In 1948, Parfums Rochas introduced a groundbreaking fragrance named Eau de Roche, crafted by perfumer Edmond Roudnitska. This creation marked a departure from traditional perfumes of the time, embodying a fresh and classic Eau de Cologne style. Unfortunately, by 1956, Eau de Roche had been discontinued, becoming increasingly rare to find in subsequent years.
The choice of the name "Eau de Rochas" for their fragrance reflects both homage to its predecessor, Eau de Roche, and a clever play on words. In French, "Eau de Rochas" translates to "Water of Rochas" in English. The term "Eau de Rochas" suggests a natural freshness and purity akin to water sourced from Rochas, evoking imagery of pristine springs, cascading waterfalls or ornamental fountains associated with the Rochas estate.